Galion Community Theatre

Our Mission

The Galion Community Theatre was formed to develop a community appreciation for the performing arts; produce dramas, musicals, and other related community productions; support the performing arts department of the local school district; and build a working relationship between adults and youth in all its activities.

Friday, February 14th7:30 PMThe Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) [Revised] [Again]Info To Come
Saturday, February 15th7:30 PMThe Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) [Revised] [Again]Info To Come
Friday, February 21st7:30 PMThe Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) [Revised] [Again]Info To Come
Saturday, February 22nd7:30 PMThe Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) [Revised] [Again]Info To Come
Sunday, February 23rd2:00 PMThe Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) [Revised] [Again]Info To Come
Monday, February 24th6:30 PMMovies @ The Galion: BYE BYE BIRDIEMore Info
Monday, March 31st6:30 PMMovies @ The Galion: SINGIN' IN THE RAINMore Info
Monday, April 28th6:30 PMMovies @ The Galion: ENCHANTEDMore Info
Monday, May 19th6:30 PMMovies @ The Galion: HIGH SCHOOL MUSICALMore Info
Friday, June 20th7:30 PMLegally BlondeInfo To Come
Saturday, June 21st7:30 PMLegally BlondeInfo To Come
Friday, June 27th7:30 PMLegally BlondeInfo To Come
Saturday, June 28th7:30 PMLegally BlondeInfo To Come
Sunday, June 29th2:00 PMLegally BlondeInfo To Come
Monday, June 30th6:30 PMMovies @ The Galion: DESCENDANTSMore Info
Friday, July 25th7:30 PMJoseph and the Amazing Technicolor DreamcoatInfo To Come
Saturday, July 26th7:30 PMJoseph and the Amazing Technicolor DreamcoatInfo To Come
Monday, July 28th6:30 PMMovies @ The Galion: THE LEGO MOVIEMore Info
Friday, August 1st7:30 PMJoseph and the Amazing Technicolor DreamcoatInfo To Come
Saturday, August 2nd7:30 PMJoseph and the Amazing Technicolor DreamcoatInfo To Come
Sunday, August 3rd2:00 PMJoseph and the Amazing Technicolor DreamcoatInfo To Come
Monday, August 25th6:30 PMMovies @ The Galion: RATATOUILLEMore Info
Monday, September 29th6:30 PMMovies @ The Galion: BEAUTY AND THE BEASTMore Info
Monday, October 27th6:30 PMMovies @ The Galion: NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMASMore Info
Friday, November 7th7:30 PMKinky BootsInfo To Come
Saturday, November 8th7:30 PMKinky BootsInfo To Come
Friday, November 14th7:30 PMKinky BootsInfo To Come
Saturday, November 15th7:30 PMKinky BootsInfo To Come
Sunday, November 16th2:00 PMKinky BootsInfo To Come
Monday, November 24th6:30 PMMovies @ The Galion: PADDINGTONMore Info
Monday, December 22nd6:30 PMMovies @ The Galion: THE YEAR WITHOUT A SANTA CLAUSMore Info

Join the Club

You can support our upcoming season by becoming a theatre member. Perks include a subscription to The Marquee and complimentary season tickets.


Roll up Those Sleeves

The Galion Community Theatre maintains its success through the help of volunteers, and there are many ways you can become involved with the theatre.


Contribute to Our Legacy

Without the financial support of generous donors, the theatre would be unable to thrive. Please consider investing in the future of your community theatre.